Kamis, 26 September 2013

Introduction of Ayurveda

Introduction To AYURVEDA
1.      Basic introduction
Definition :
The word Ayurveda is derived from two words are “Ayu” means life and “Veda” means  knowledge. So Ayurveda is the scince or knowledge of life. This is considered to be the Upaveda of Atharva Veda. This science of life is considered to be the part of Indian culture and heritage.
From Charaka Samhitha we can see the definition of Ayurveda are:
“Hitahitam sukhan dukham, ayustasya hitahitam”
 “manam cha tatra yatroktam, ayurveda sa uchyate”
·         Hita = good healthy
·         Ahitam = bad/ unhealthy
·         Sukhan = happyness
·         Dukham = sad
·         Ayustasya hitahitam = what is good and bad for 4 kinds of life.
·         4 category in life are healthy, unhealthy, happy, and sad.
·         Manam = quantity
·         Tatra = where
·         Yatroktam/uktam = told
·         ayurveda sa uchyate” = is called Ayurveda
So the meaning are 4 kinds of life (healthy, unhealthy, happy, and sad ) from Ayurveda knowledge, and ayurveda say that to life spain.

Aim of ayurveda
“Svasthasya, swasthya Rakshanam”
Svasthasya =  healthy person
Swasthya = health
Rakshanam = preventife, methode
·         how to prevent/ maintaining the health in the healthy person.
“Aturasya vyadhi parimokshanam”
Aturasya = diseses in persons
Vyadhi = disease
Parimokshanam = curative/ iradicated

·         to curative disease from the sick person

Trayopasthambha Accroding Ayurveda

 TRAYOPASTAMBHA (3 pillars of lifes)
1.      Ahara (food)
In ahara, we know Sapta Vidha Ahara Kalpana that’s means seven factors food regimen. They are:
a.       Swabhava (nature). In here we have 2 kinds of nature from foods,
·         Nature in light. For example : green gram by nature is light.
·         Nature in heavy. For example : Yogurth by nature is heavy.
b.      Sanyoga (combinations). For example : fruits + milk. We can see more food are combinations from fruits and milk, in this condition, many people so like that, but in real conditions, fuits and milk together are bad combinations. The others example, honey and hot water, but, we must avoid this.
c.       Samskara (process). Example : ghee everyday caan increase agni in digestion. In alopati rule, says should not eat ghee everyday because ghee have so many colesterol.
d.      Matra (quantity). The propper quantity is that which gets digested in proper time without disturbing the equilibrium of the doshas and dhatus. Of all the factors for the maintenance of positive health, food taken in a propper quantity occupies the most important possision.
e.       Dsha (habitat)
f.       Kala (time)
g.      Upayoga vyavastha (about place the agni). Agni. Should be take bath before take food, should pleasent the mind, if persons cooking the food must with happines,
h.      Dietitic rules: (from Charakashamhita.Sutrasthana 1.24)
·         Eat food which is warm
·         Eat food which is unctuousnees
·         Eat in a congerrel place
·         Eat neither too hurnmedly not too leisurely
·         Eat without talking or laughing
·         Eat with full concentration
·         Eat with proper regard of one self,
From astangahrdaya.sutrasthana 8.35-38
·         Eat at right time
·         Eat items that are accustomed, clean, suitable, unctuous, warm, light
·         Eat with the right mindset
·         Eat items that have all six taste and with a predominant sweet taste
·         Eat after ensuring proper body hygene
·         Eat items that are liked
·         Eat  in the company of those who are liked

2.      Nidra ( sleeps)
From charakasamhita.sutrasthana 21.38, and asthangahrdaya.sutrasthana 7.53-54
Good sleep
Bad sleep
1.      Pleasure/happy
2.      Nourishment in body and mind
3.      Strength and stability
4.      Virility
5.      Knowlegde to learn
1.      Sorrow
2.      Unnourishment
3.      Weakness
4.      Sexual dysfunction
5.      ignorance
·         if insomia (sleep is not good) then will get:
1.      body pain/body ache
2.      heaviness
3.      yawning increase
4.      drowsy (mengantuk)
5.      fainting/weak, (lemah,letih)
6.      indigestion
7.      hallucination
8.      get vata disorders/disease
·         for propper sleeps:
1.      take milk
2.      take meat soup
3.      doing abhyangam
4.      putting oil in ears
5.      doing netra tarpanam
6.      pleasing activity

3.      Maithuna (sexs).
Brahmacharya means who people will not do have sex, the Abrahmacharya means How to have good sexs.
Notes: on do’s and don’t of sex:
a.       Man age 25 ; female age 16
b.      After auspicius (melakukan) rituals of marriage
c.       Sex should not be done with a woman who is hungry / over eaten / thirsty / frightened / javerse / sorrow stricken / angry / longing for somone else / very high or very low libido / ill / menstruating / pregnant / weak / dirty / unloving / elder and coming from higher class / jealousy / same gotra / wife of teacher / female acsetic
d.      Avoid sex during twilight / festival days / early morning / mid night / mid day / improper place.
e.       Avoid sex in flexed position because can make vata aggravation the compresses yoni
f.       Right lateral position make kapha displaced then obstructs (mencegah) garbhashaya.
g.      Left lateral position make pitta displaced then vidaha of rakta and sukra
h.      Hence be in suppine position to keep doshas are in balance
i.        Man bellow and woman on top make if male child has female characters then if female child has male characters/habits.
j.        Sex determind:
1.      Chaturthi (4 days after new moon) / astami (8) / dashami (10) / dwadashi (12), so the cild be come Male
2.      Panchami (5) / saptami (7) / nawami (9) / ekadashi (11) so the child becomes female
3.      Ekadashi (1) / trayodashi (13) can be come hermaphrodife (banci)
4.      Even days : male (hari kedua setelah new moon/full moon)
5.      Old days : female (hari ke 15)
k.      Notes:
1.      Shukla paksha 15 days periode. Waxing moon : white/positive/energy increase (from full moon to new moon)
2.      Krishna paksha. Warning moon : black/ negative/ energy decrease
3.      Odd days : male child with feminine features and weak body
4.      Even days : masculine features and weak body. (when shukra is more on odd days and less on even days)
5.      Child on succesive rtu kala:
a.       Long life
b.      Good health
c.       Fortune
d.      Power of supremacy/energy
e.       Complexion
f.       Indriya sampat
6.      Vyavaya kala:
Posture of coitus:
a.       Uttana/supine position is advised for female as it aids acceptence of bija and doshas are kept in samastithi. The malle should not be in supine position
b.      For coitus lateral positions are contra indicated

Sadvrita in Ayurveda

a.      SADVRITA
 SADVRITA means code of conduct.
To sins AVOID (Dashadha Papakarma) perbuatan buruk yang harus dihindari in 3 categories:
a.       Body :
1.      Himsa (violence)
2.      Steya (stealing)
3.      Anyatha Kamam (having ilidil sex)
b.      Peech :
4.      Paishunia ( hurt others by speech)
5.      Parusha (not using soft tone/ so rought)
6.      Anruta (lies)
7.      Sambhinna Alaap (no conection/non sense in talk)
c.       Mind :
8.      Vyapada (thinking, harming others by thoughts)
9.      Abhidya (jellousy)

10.  Drook Viparyaya ( find faults/ non believe with Sastra)


A.    Definition
Swa = one’s own (state)
Stha = being in
Vrittha = action, ritual, character
So, swastavrittha means art of being is one’s own state. In ayureveda, many rules to maintaining the health in healthy person such as:
1.      Dhinacharya  (daily regiment)
Key points: time, state of health, state of digestion
a.      Brahma Muhurta
Conducive for spiritual and education activities 88 minutes before sunrise.
1.      Clear belching
2.      Enthusiasm
3.      Normal initiation of vega
4.      Lightness of the body
5.      Manifestasion of proper hunger and thirst
What should do in Brahma Muhurta? Look time, asses digestion, then contemplation (Sariracintam/little meditation)
·         Sarirachintam : how is my body, what is good for me, what is bad for me, thingking on your body. What’s the time now, who are my parents, who are my friends, which people place i’m, who i’am, what are my strength, what is positive to me, which negative to me, what is my purpose in my life today, etc,.

b.      Kruta shoucha Vidhi
 Thats means action to clean your bowels, like stool, urine, wash the hand, wash the face, feeth, teeth,etc,.
c.       Danta Dhawana
Cleans/brush the teeth.
Key point:
1.      Of kashaya, katu, and tikta taste dominate
2.      Without attecting the gums (gusi)
3.      Each attecting to be separately brushed
4.      To be done twice (do and time)
How to make the brush:
1.      From the branches of arka tree, etc,.
2.      The branches must 12 anggulas long
3.      The thick must on little finger size
4.      To use it, by chewing it and before we must to little pounding to make eassy when we chewing the branches.
1.      Relieve bad odour, coating, kapha malas, imparts clarity, give good clarity in taste for food, and also peasant state of mind.
Contraindication: (not to be done during)
1.      Indegistion
2.      Vomiting
3.      Disease of the head
4.      Breathing disorders
5.      Cough
6.      Fever
7.      Disease of ear
8.      Facial palsy
9.      Thirst
10.  Mouth ulcers
11.  Disease of the heart
12.  Disease of the eyes

d.      Jihva Nirlekhanam (clean/skripping the tongue)
1.      It’s remove bad odour
2.      Give sense of taste
3.      It gives lightness/ clealiness
4.      Clarity of speech
5.      Removes kapha / mala in mouth

e.       Anjanam / Collyrion (vision is the seat of Pitta)
How to make it:
Take silver lamp and add ghee to it, burn the wilk. Hold the silver plate, close to it and collect the soat.
How to use it:
1.      Use finger ring
2.      Open under eyelid and from middle to laterall
3.      Open the above eyelied and also from middle to laterall
1.      Protecting our eyes
2.      Clarity of vision
3.      It’s remove kapha/ mala in eyes

f.       Nasya/Nasal Drops
Medicine put throught nose thats means nasal treatment. Every day one or two drops of oil in each nostril.
1.      Improve eye sight
2.      Impact strength to the teeth, alleviates vata
3.      Clarity of sense
4.      Remove disease from nose, throught, and head.
1.      Chronic sinusitis/vhinitis
2.      Drunkard
3.      Chose hearing is weak
4.      In whom doshas are in on extremely, excite state

g.      Gandoosham
It’s holding mouth fuul oil till secretions come from nose and eyes
Kavala       : it’s pulling/moving the oil
1.      Make strength to the jaw
2.      Make strength to the voice
3.      Make strength to the face
4.      Make strength to the root of the tooth
5.      Gives good sense of taste
6.      Not make troath dry
7.      It’ll not make lips crack
8.      Not make teeth decay
9.      Not make teeth sensitive
10.  Not make tooth pain

h.      Dhoomapanam
It’s means medicated smoke inhalation.
a.       Preparation
Take gauze piece. Apply evently tumeric powder and ghee mixture over it. Make rool it tightly and allow it to dry
b.      How to used
Make a papper cone, hold it towards one nostril, close the other nostril. Hold the dhoomapana stick at one end and inhaale throught nose exhale throught in mouth. Repeat it in 3 times and then do it again similiary with other nostril, and the same procedure.
c.       Benefit
Clear all elongged up channel and is best treatment sfter nasya and gandoosha.

i.        Tamboola Sevana  eat the bettle leave, that’s so good for teeth, and for mouth tube.
j.        Abhyangam (apply the oil)
For sevanam treatment only in three place Head, Ears, and Feeth
1.      Removes delays ageing
2.      Removes fatigue
3.      Alliviate vata
4.      Increase vision perceptions
5.      Strengt in the body
6.      Increase life span
7.      Gives good sleeps
8.      Gives firmness to the skin
1.      People suffering from kapha disease
2.      People who have under gone panchakarma treatments
3.      People who suffering from indigestion

k.      Nyanyana
“sharira ayas jaanaka karma Vyayana”
Sharira :  body
Ayas : trouble/efort
Janaka : cousing
Karma : action
vyayama : excersise
Rule : we do until a half our capacity, thats means when we have begining sweat and should be stoped then must to drink mineral water. Then when vayu come out in the mouth (vayu in the heart come out in the mouth). This rule only to individual capacity, because we see from how to live (life habits).
From: astngahrdaya sutrasthana chapter 2 (10, 3, 11, 12, 24, 47)
Yoga isn’t exercise because when we do exercise, our heart is increase and i get sweat. Then if in yogasana make decrease in heart and we get sweat not like if we get seat in the exercise.
1.      Lightness on the body
2.      Ability to do work increase (capacity to work)
3.      Agni increase
4.      Meda dhatu decrease
5.      Parts of the body be come well. Definite and firm
Who and when:
1.      Strong person
2.      People eating “snigdha ahara”
3.      Winter/ spring must more to do Vyayama
4.      Summer seasons must less Vyayama
Contraindications/ to be Avoid by:
1.      Vata disease (joint pain, etc.)
2.      Pitta disease
3.      Those bellow 16 years
4.      Those above 70 years
5.      Have indigestion problems

l.        Udvartaanam (Treatment to Kapha)
1.      Anuloma         : Loma means hair. Inderection with the hair (downward). Example: kaya abhyangam. This is for Vata disease.
2.      Pratiloma        : opposite that. Direction with the hair (upward). Example: Udwartanam. So this is treatment to kapha disorders.
1.      It’s give formness of the body
2.      Remove kapha haram / kpaha disorders
3.      Medasa Pravilayamam (melts medas/reduces medha dhatus)
4.      Sthiri Karanam Anganam (make stability{sthiri} in the body{anganam}/ firmness of the body parts)
5.      Twak Prasada Karanam (bring softness to the skin/ or makes skin healthy)

m.    Snanam (take bath/shower)
1.      Deepanam (agni) increase
2.      Vrushya (Aphrodaisiac) means increase sensual capacity energising
3.      Ayushya (life span increase)
4.      Gives Urja (energy)
5.      Gives bala (strength of the body)
6.      Removes itching
7.      Removes mala
8.      Removes tiredness
9.      Removes sweat
10.  Removes Drowsonnes
11.  Removes thirst
12.  Removes burning sensation
13.  Removes sins (make fress and happy)
1.      Facial Paralysis
2.      Disease of eyes
3.      Disease of mouth
4.      Disease of ear
5.      Disease og digestion ( luss mossion/diarhoea, flatus, blooding in stomach, indigestion, ect.,)
6.      Sinusitis

7.      People who have eaten food