Kamis, 26 September 2013


A.    Health indicators
Healthy can we see from same indicatores, they are:
1.      Proper appetite
2.      Proper digestion
3.      Proper elimination of wind
4.      Proper elimination of urine
5.      Proper elimination of stool, faeces
6.      Lightness of the body
7.      Clarity of senses
8.      Proper sleep, proper waking
9.      Proper strength
10.  Proper complexion
11.  Healthy longevity
12.  Pleasant state of mind
13.  Balance state of agni
B.     Purpose of Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, have 2 purpose of live, they are:
1.      Svasthavirttham : preseving the health of a healthy person

2.      Aturavrittham : curing the disease of a diseases persons

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